MICE In Tanzania

People and Country

The Republic of Tanzania embraces the erstwhile territory of Tanganyika on the eastern coast of Africa, and the offshore islands of Zanzibar which merged with it in 1964. This prime German colony since the late 19th century gave in to British rule in 1918 which also came to an end in December 1961.

Between the mountainous north-east and the eastern shores facing the Indian Ocean, Tanzania has unending stretches of area uninhabited by man, but home to a teeming wild life which includes 130 species of amphibians and 275 species of reptiles. Between July and August, when the weather is more pleasant, or during December and January, when drier conditions prevail, Tanzania's wild life is most visible.

The 120 plus ethnic groups that comprise the Tanzanian population speak Swahili, the de facto official language, and English in addition to their own dialects. Tanzania has a considerable Indian population, and Gujarati is widely spoken.

Political reforms in Tanzania have opened up the private sector, and investments are being actively sought to draw upon its abundant natural resourcess

Places to visit in Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro, Lakes Victoria and Tanganyika, Serengati National Park and the Gombe National Park- Tanzania has a wealth of natural attractions.

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak and the world's tallest free standing mountain poses a dramatic sight from the plains of Tanzania and Kenya. Of volcanic origins, the 5,895 high Uhuru Peak has a wide crater, and tourists wishing to climb its peak can avail of arrangements made along its route.

Lakes Victoria and Tanganyika

Africa's largest lake and the world's 2nd largest freshwater lake, Lake Victoria is shared by Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. It lies within the plateau and is dotted with 300 islands!

Boating and canoeing through the waterways is another adventure that Tanzania promises! Sailing past the hippos and crocodiles on the Rufigi and Great Ruaha rivers in the Selous Game Reserve is a spine chilling experience you're never likely to forget!

National Park

The vast Serengati plain, also known as Masaailand, encloses a diverse ecosystem covering riverine forests, swamps, grasslands and forests. It is the site of the famous overland migration of the wildebeest. The wildebeests and zebra migrate to the Maasai Mara territory in Kenya in search of water and forage every October. The two million strong herd returns in April, losing over 250,000 of its kin to fatigue, injury and predators during this journey covering 500 miles.

Besides the wildebeests, 70 other varieties of animals and 500 varieties of birds traverse this ecosystem which includes gazelles, zebras, lions, leopards and buffaloes. An ideal way to explore the wilderness here is on an hour-long trip over the bush land in a hot air balloon!

Arusha at the foot of Mt. Meru is the base for visiting the Ngoronggoro Crater, Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara and a stone structure in the Rift Valley. The Ngoronggoro Crater is part of the Serengati ecosystem. 25,000 animals, including ungulates, black rhinos, wildebeest, eland, lion and gazelles inhabit the crater. The Olduvai Gorge, a steep ravine in the Rift Valley is believed to be one of the prehistoric sites of the world, as remains show. Lake Manyara, a freshwater lake, offers a picturesque landscape and diverse wild life. Baboons, hippos, gazelles, impalas and elephants roam the thick forests that encircle the lake. Flamingos, kingfisher and eagle are the most commonly observed birds of the 300 species that migrate there annually.

The Gombe Stream National Park where Jane Goodall conducted her studies on chimpanzees skirts Lake Tanganyika and offers very pleasing environs. The chimpanzees are the greatest attraction at the park, and tourists can spend hours within the forest observing these primates.

A safari in Tanzania can be customized to suit your preferences. You can choose between budget camps, lodge safaris, luxury safaris, or flying safaris! And since game hunting is legal in Tanzania, you can even take a hunting safari.


Of its cities, Dar-es-Salaam is the largest, and the country's commercial capital. While in the city, you can tour the St. Joseph's Cathedra, the White Father's Mission House, the Botanical Gardens, and the historic State House besides the waterfront and the city centre. A few km north at the Bongoyo Island Marine Reserve you can take up snorkeling and diving.


And finally, in Zanzibar, the historic monuments and lovely beaches make for a complete holiday. At the port of Stone Town on its west coast, the Palace Museum, the slave caves at Mangapwani, the House of Wonders, the Turkish baths and the Portuguese fort can be visited. A spice tour of the plantations growing cloves, vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon is an interesting change from the regular sightseeing. At Menai Bay, you can watch the sea turtles while in Pemba, explore the brilliant visuals under the sea.

MICE In Tanzania
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